Research and Planning

Week One
- foundation portfolio brief distributed and discussed

- familiarisation of cameras/tripods
by getting used to the cameras and tripods we will be more confident with using them when it comes to filming.

Week Two
- continuity sequences shown and discussed
by seeing examples of the continuity sequences, we can make sure that we follow the rules and make our film with less mistakes.

- camera shots/angles/movement shot exercise.
 when we did this exercise, we each took it in turns to operate the camera and film each other using different shots and angles. We learnt which angles and shots worked best in different places and how to emphasise emotions or actions.

Week Three
- Examined 2 or 3 continuity exercises from youtube and discussed different approaches/camera shots used.
this gave us an idea of how other people used the camera and sound to create different effects.

-Story boards
we designed story boards, i drew the pictures for our group and we all took part in devising a proper story. 

Week Four
We watched two videos in week four, one was called 'making a video' which showed us different ways of making the video and went though it step by step so we could understand it more than we did originally. The other video we watched was called 'Language of Film' which explained to us things like mise-en-scene, sound, camera and editing, this is all the things we need to consider when making out thriller movie.

Week Five
We started filming our continuety film in week five. We split up into groups and borrowed a boy who had free lessons at the time of our media lessons. We used different camera shots such as close up, high angle, low angle, medium shots.
- Skills learnt - 180 degrees rule, rule of thirds, framing a shot, composition of shot, match on action

Week Six
- uploaded the film to the Macs.
Jamielee Payne in my group, uploaded the film to the Macs.
- we started to edit the film. we went through all the shots we had taken, and chose the best ones as we filmed all the shots a few times in case one went wrong.

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