
Location - Dark alleyway, single lampost light to create an eerie atmosphere

Hooded figure walks up alleyway, face covered and quick paced walk. His breathing is loud and fast

Location - Dark street, houses on either side

The man walks up middle of road keeping the same fast pace

Location - Street corner and opposite pathway

The man crosses road and stops at a house's gate

Location - Outside of darkened, silent house

The man opens the gate slowly, trying not to let the gate make a noise. He walks up the black driveway.

Location - The girls bedrooom.

Unknown to the intruder, the girl inside the house has stirred. She opens her eyes and blinks twice.

Location - Front door of the house.

He stops at the front door, takes a torch out of his pocket and crouches down. When he straightens up we see he has retrieved a key. He puts the key in the door and turns the lock.

Location - Hallway of dark house.

The man steps through the doorway and closes the door quietly.

Location - Bedroom.

The girl swings her legs out of bed and her feet catch the crinkled newspapers she was reading the night before. She stands and begins to make her way out of the bedroom.

Location - Stairs

The girl starts to walk slowly down the stairs, unknowing that there is an intruder in her house.

Location - Hallway and Kitchen

She walks through the hallway in the dark and reaches for the kitchen light. She fetches a glass from her cupboard and walks to her sink.

As the girl's back is turned, a hand reaches through the doorway and switches off the kitchen light, plunging them both into darkness.
There is a piercing scream, a smash and then silence.

Location - Kitchen

A picture of the dead girl is taken, with police radio and sirens echoing in the background

Location - A garage

Over the shoulder of the same hooded figure, a wall full of photos of dead women is seen.

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